Miracle Gynostemma
Anti cancer and suppress the development of tumor : can suppress about 20 types of cancer including liver cancer, stomach cancer, lung cancer, esophageal cancer, uterine cancer, breast cancer, gallbladder cancer.
Relieve cough : anti inflammatory and detoxification, improve bronchitis and asthma effectively.
Relieve backache, rheumatic pain, and stiffness of shoulder muscle, duodenal ulcers, hemorrhoids, and pressure of life.
Anti frustration : relieve mental weakness, migraine headache and fatigue.
Loss Weight : inhibit the oxidation of lipid and side effect steroid hormone, balance body's nutrition, and prevent obesity.
抗癌抑癌 : 经过国内外广泛试验,对肝癌、胃癌、肺癌、食道癌、子宫癌、乳腺癌、胆囊癌等20多种癌症、癌细胞抑制有效率高达80%
止咳 : 七叶胆能消炎解毒,止咳祛痰,有治疗常见疑难杂症的奇特功能。对支气管炎及支气管哮喘等病症疗效奇特。对支气管炎的有效率达80%。
安神除烦 : 对精神衰弱、偏头痛、顽固性失眠症,疲劳恢复的特有作用。
减肥 : 七叶胆还有抑制过氧化脂质和甾族化合物激素副作用的功能,对平衡机体营养,防治肥胖症有直接作用。